TMJ was This is My, an online social platform where people from across the globe came together to form a music community. I absolutely loved the website and the concept behind it. Every couple of days or so, you took to the site and posted your song of the moment, whether it was something newly discovered, recently remembered, or even an old favorite. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed when they closed. When I started going through my This is My Jam (TMJ) Archive I realized how badly I’d love to share my posts in this space. From July 15, 2013 to September 25, 2015 (the day TMJ closed) I posted 54 jams; documenting, what was in essence, my undergraduate experience. Over the course of the next year (or few), I will pull posts and share them on the blog. I was initially going to post-date the throwbacks, but I don’t ever want to confuse them with my first post ever made. 🙂 As such, they will be dated in the title.
SOW/ SOM means Song of the Week or Song of the Moment. It is my current day equivalent of TMJ.